Ecosystem Study with Educators in uMkhuze

Apr 3, 2023 | WFA News

ECOStudy recently facilitated teacher workshops with 20 primary schools from the communities around uMkhuze Game Reserve.

ECOStudy workshops are curriculum related. The first term of the Grade 6 Natural Sciences syllabus includes ecosystems and food webs and requires the scholars to complete a field ecosystem study. The objective of the workshop is that the out-of-classroom learning experience will give the teachers the confidence to complete the field ecosystem study with their learners.

The workshop consisted of a theory session discussing the elements of ecosystems and food webs and was followed with an ecosystem study at Nsumo Pan.  

Each participant received an Ecosystem Study Book that included information about the water pan ecosystem and worksheets and class notes.

They were also given an identification chart showing photographs of the organisms they were likely to  encounter during the field study.

The educators stated that they had very few resources to teach about ecosystems so were very pleased to receive the additional information sets to assist them with their learner ecosystem studies. The sets included an identification chart and reference book for organisms that they are likely to find in the schoolyard.

The educators thoroughly enjoyed the experience and learned a lot from the interaction.

ECOStudy would like to thank the Ken Collins Charity Trust, the Grindrod Family Centenary Trust and uMkhuze Game Reserve for making this activity possible.