Great or Small, Love Them All | World Animal Day 2023

Oct 4, 2023 | WFA News

Every year on the 4th October, we celebrate World Animal Day. This year we honor and appreciate all things great and small, wild and domesticated. It is on this day where we can also reflect on the many ecosystems around the world and the incredibly vast collections of animal species that live in them. From the smallest dung beetle to the giant African elephant, all of which form an integral part of the biodiversity that drives our life support systems on planet earth.

It is in biodiversity where we do not only focus on one animal but rather focus on them as a whole. Every species of animal, no matter their shape or size, has an important role to play in this amazing web of life. 

By us celebrating biodiversity and all species of animals that play a role in it, we highlight their importance and the importance of protecting them and in turn securing a sustainable future for many generations to come.

Thank you to our partners in conservation (of which there are many) but, on this day, as we celebrate animals, none could be more pertinent than the Medivet family of veterinary practices whose staff make it their life to care for animals. Along with their clients, they donate daily to projects on the frontline of the conservation of wilderness and its animals.

Thank you and Happy World Animal Day.