Wild Rhino in-person rhino horn demand reduction resumes in Vietnam after COVID-19

Dec 1, 2022 | WFA News

As part of a multifaceted approach to the poaching crisis, the Wild Rhino | Vietnam Be My Hero Campaign aims to educate consumers of rhino horn on the realities of the situation, so as to affect attitudes, change behaviour and ultimately – stop the demand. Being the next generation of decision-makers, the Vietnamese youth hold the key to ending the use of rhino horn in their country.

Wild Rhino uses multimedia marketing channels, competitions and first-hand African wildlife experiences to engage and educate young Vietnamese students. It also aims to inspire these young people to become true Ambassadors for the cause – bringing the campaign to life through them and dismantling the myths and false beliefs that surround the use of rhino horn products amongst their communities and peers.

Since 2014, Wild Rhino has had a strong presence in Vietnam, hosting frequent in-person events and partnering with different international schools, universities, and business chambers to help raise the awareness of the issue in Vietnam. However, with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and worldwide lockdowns, Wild Rhino adapted and began primarily focusing its efforts on its online social media campaign.

Since the start of 2022, the campaign has successfully reconnected with 11 international schools and has also connected with 5 new schools, reaching over 100 000 students and staff members. The presentations focused on what demand for rhino horn is, how it works, how it affects rhino and what the students can do to help.

In addition to this, the campaign has hosted art competitions, workshops, exhibitions and seminars at universities and businesses across Vietnam, reaching over 300 000 people. These events covered a broad range of topics relating to rhino horn, from wildlife crime and the rhino poaching crisis to the financial impact of rhino poaching on South Africa.

Wild Rhino also currently has 30 Vietnamese Rhino Heroes who are trained and experienced in delivering presentations about the rhino poaching crisis and bringing an end to rhino horn consumption, with over 800 people indicating that they would also like to become Rhino Heroes.

Wilderness Foundation Africa is delighted that in-person activities have resumed and would like to thank Olsen Animal Trust for enabling the activities of Wild Rhino.